Endorsements #1 - Raise the Wage

Community First Whatcom

Northwest Central Labor Council

International Association of Machinists

and Aerospace Workers Lodge 751

42nd Legislative District Democrats

Whatcom County Democrats

Western Academic Workers Union

United Auto Workers Local 4121

Whatcom DSA

United Food and Commercial Workers

WWU Young Democrats

Whatcom County Jobs with Justice

Bellingham Tenants Union

“Working people and families in Bellingham deserve a living wage that accounts for the rising cost of living. Bellingham Initiative 1 proposes to raise the minimum wage in the city to help meet the needs of all residents… Vote to approve City of Bellingham Initiative 1.”

- Fuse Progressive Voters Guide

Endorsements #2 - Protect Renters

Community First Whatcom

Bellingham Tenants Union

Whatcom County Democrats

Western Academic Workers Union

United Auto Workers Local 4121

Whatcom DSA

WWU Young Democrats

United Food and Commercial Workers

Whatcom County Jobs with Justice

42nd Legislative District Democrats

“..in Bellingham specifically, rent has reportedly risen 22% since 2020… Vote to approve City of Bellingham Initiative 2 to support renters’ rights and housing affordability”

- Fuse Progressive Voters Guide

Endorse Initiatives 1 & 2!